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Bed Bugs – Know All About Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are the most common yet the most ignored pests in Canada. In the past few years, there has been enormous resurgence of bed bug infestation in various regions of Canada including Hamilton, Burlington, Brantford, Welland and more. Residential, commercial, hospitals, schools and many other settings have been struggling with the bed bug menace.

Experts from Bed Bug Services Take You on a Journey to the ‘Bed bug World’

Bed bugs can survive a year without food i.e. human blood.

Bed Bugs Life Cycle


Bed bugs also known as Cimex lectulariusbed are small oval insects 1.5 inch in size. They are reddish brown in color and feed on human blood. They are generally active at night and pierce the skin to suck in the blood. Bed bug infestation is very complex and requires expert help for complete bug extermination.

Lifer Cycle:

Bed bugs are active at night and hide during day time. Females lay white, oval eggs into cracks. A female bug can lay around 200 to 250 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs take around 10 days to hatch and the new bed bug nymphs require a blood meal. There may be three or more generations of bugs in a year. In general, the adult bed bugs can live for about ten to eleven months feeding every 3 to 5 days.

Type of Damage:

Bed bugs don’t spread any disease. However, they develop irritation that vary from person to person. Where some people do not experience any irritation or reaction, some get small, slightly raised red itchy spots and even severe pain sometimes. People may have instant reaction of the bed bug or experience that after 14 or 15 days. Though, bed bugs don’t cause any serious health ailment but yet it is difficult to get a good night sleep after determining bed bugs around.

Preparation for Extermination

Launder your clothing in hot water for at least 20 minutes. Leave the clothing in sealed bags in order to prevent infestation. Make sure to launder all the beddings and mattresses as well. Eliminate all the clutter, hanging pictures and posters from the wall. The exterminators will use dry steam to heat up the cracks of the walls and furniture to kill the bed bugs. Prior preparation will certainly reduce the service time and enhance chances of effective treatment. The occupants and the pets will require to vacate the place for a minimum of 6 hours.

Bed bug infestation can be controlled with the help of professional exterminators only. So, just to save some money, don’t take chances by seeking guidance from any amateur company.

Call Bed Bug Services Today. Your safety is the top priority of our exterminators.


Hamilton, Halton, Niagara, KW Guelph, and Haldimand region.

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