Precautions To Follow Before Bed Bug Treatment

Bed Bug Treatment

Preparing your home before bed beg treatment eliminates the damage to your belonging. By knowing the right precaution, you can even save yourself from the dangerous effects of bed bugs spray such as skin infection, blistering, etc.

Another benefit is, it lowers the time of the pest management company and makes them complete the bed bug removal faster. So, are you ready to prepare your premises for bed bugs treatment? If yes, go ahead.

Tips To Prepare Your Home For Bed Bugs Treatment

  • Don’t move your furniture, carpets or other belongings to another room unless you know these are not infested. If you move infested items in another place, chances are the bed bugs may spread in other areas.
  • If you have air-mattresses, then deflate the bladders. Wash all the bed sheets, pillowcases, blankets and other linens in hot water. After drying, keep them separate until you are sure to have bed bug free place. Make sure to dry them at least for 20 minutes in the dryer on high heat that can kill the bed bugs in all stages.
  • Some certain items that can damage easily with the high temperatures should be given care such as chemicals, wax figurines, candles CDs, oil paintings, flammable products, musical instrument, indoor plants, carbonated beverages and much more.
  • Let the larger electronics like TV and computer be there but make sure to unplug electronics from the outside.
  • Keep your pets and kids outside of the bed bugs infested property to prevent any damage.
  • Food items that can melt at high temperature should also be placed away. Chocolate, solid oils and candy can be kept in the refrigerator. Medication should also be kept safe in your refrigerator during the heat treatment.

Now, your home is ready for the heat treatment to kill and remove the bed bugs. Rest the team of experts at Bed Bug Services will handle efficiently. Feel free to contact us anytime.